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Battery Park

Before (in 1988)

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After (in 2008)

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In the south of Manhattan, we cross a nice parc to get to the ferries, which will bring us to the Statue of Liberty. The squirrels go for a walk quietly and present a cute sight to the people, even if they stay shy.
The roadworks, which disfigure for a while the city to make it more attractive, have not spared this area of nature at the end, really at the end of the island. From the park, we can see the boats cruising not so far, we imagine those arriving on Ellis Island with hope strongly hit to the heart, we think of those who have all let to believe in a best life amoung the seas.
Near the park, the monument dedicated to the soldiers fallen for a certain idea of freedom gives to this peaceful place the memory of a past always present.

Twin Towers / Ground Zero
Empire State Building
Grand Central Terminal
Times Square
Wall Street and NYSE
United Nations
Principal Post Office
Staten Island
Top of Empire State Bldg
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