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Staten Island

Before (in 1988)

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After (in 2008)

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A lot of people use the ferry to come back home. The free ticket, already in force 20 years ago, endures. We often do not visit Statne Island, or so little. We take the ferry above all for the pleasure to admire the skyline on sunset, because the one from Statue of Liberty is back too early ! The travellers are separated between those who want to go to work or to come back (it depends on time and direction !) and the tourists with their cameras ! The promiscuity is not always easy to accept, but the view don't keep nobody unconcerned...

Twin Towers / Ground Zero
Battery Park
Empire State Building
Grand Central Station
Grand Central Station
Wall Street and NYSE
United Nations
Principal Post Office
Top of Empire State Bldg
TV in street
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